School Holiday Enrichment Programme

Last Updated: 3rd July 2024

I am pleased to announce that Ysgol Cwm Brombil in conjunction with NPT council will be running the ‘Food and Fun’ programme, previously known as SHEP (School Holiday Enrichment Programme). The project is available for pupils in year 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 and 8 (academic school year 2023-2024). It will take place at Ysgol Cwm Brombil and run for 12 days during the summer holidays 2024. The scheme will take place from Monday 22nd July and will be finishing on Tuesday 6th August. The scheme will start at 9am and finish at 2pm each day (this does not include travel arrangements).

The aim of the scheme is for pupils to be provided with a number of fun activities over the 12 days involving specialist workshops and sporting activities (at least 2 hour per day). Pupils are encouraged to wear appropriate clothing that will enable them to take part in sport and exercise comfortably. Pupils will be provided with a free healthy breakfast and lunch. The scheme is free of charge but pupils who wish to attend must sign up for a 2-week period as a minimum. Once the online consent form closes we will share a 12-day timetable that outlines each of the activities that will take place. We will also share a finalised dinner menu.

Transport will be provided for those pupils who live more than 3 miles away from the school (more details to follow). If your child requires transport to and from the event please can you state on the consent form which village your child will need to be picked up from and dropped off. Parents / guardians must be aware that the school does not open until 8.45am and the activities will finish at 2pm.

During the scheme there will always be a qualified first aider and safeguarding officer available. The activities have been designed for pupils to integrate with one another and build on their communication and team work skills. Pupils will work in three distinctive groups year 3 & 4, year 5 & 6 and finally year 7 & 8.