

There are numerous bus services available to bring pupils to and from school across our catchment area. Click the link below to check routes and times:

Pupils may be eligible for free school transports. You can see if you are eligible and apply here:

Ridgeways also offer two bus services that collect from Baglan and Port Talbot. More details can be found below:

Transport Code of Conduct

Our transport code of conduct can be downloaded here:

Transport Incident Report

If you experience any intimidation / Bullying or witness this whilst on your bus, you can report it using the using the form below. Once the school receives this, we will investigate and act accordingly..

Parent Drop Off

Parents are welcome to drop off or pick up their children off in our Parent bays. Upon entering the school site, take the immediate right before the car park barrier where you should find ample parking.


Pupils are welcome to cycle to school if they wish. We have a covered bike shelter that pupils can lock their bikes under using their own locks. We ask that pupils dismount their bicycles when they enter the school site.